#18. Use My Time Buckets System to Manage Your Time

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with an endless To Do List running through your brain? Do you struggle with keeping track of all the things you have to do as an SLP, a mom, and a  spouse? That's exactly why I created The Time Bucket System and I'm sharing it with you today. Once you start implementing this simple three-step system, you'll wonder how you managed your time without it. Grab the Time Buckets Resource here and get started today!

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The Birth of the Time Buckets System:

I developed the Time Bucket System several years ago during my transition from a speech pathologist to a time management coach, around the onset of the COVID pandemic. At the time, I was a mother of four and felt the overwhelming mental burden of a never-ending to-do list. If you've been there, you know the sensation – the endless mental ping-pong of tasks. From dinner planning to dentist appointments to birthday gifts, my brain was in constant chaos. I realized something needed to change.

The Three-Step Time Buckets System:

The Time Buckets System consists of three simple steps that can help you regain control of your time and reduce stress. You can download my free Time Buckets resource here. Now let's walk through it together.

Step 1: Brain Dump

Start with a brain dump of all the tasks on your mental to-do list or write down activities you spend your time on. Don't worry about perfection; you can always add more later. The goal is to unload your mind.

Step 2: Categorize into Buckets

Next, categorize these tasks into "buckets." The categories may differ from person to person, and you should tailor them to suit your lifestyle. Common buckets include Work, Household, Family, and Personal. Categorizing tasks will help you visualize where your time is going.

Step 3: Scheduling and Planning

With your buckets in place, you're ready to start planning. At the beginning of the week, take a look at your calendar. Plug your tasks into your time buckets. You can create time blocks for each bucket or schedule individual tasks throughout the week. This flexible approach allows you to accommodate your unique preferences and requirements.

The Benefits of the Time Buckets System:

This method helps you gain clarity about your priorities and allocate your time more effectively. You can identify which buckets are overflowing with tasks and which ones are underutilized. This insight can lead to more balanced time management.

By reducing the mental load, you'll experience less stress and more productivity. You'll also see which tasks can be delegated or eliminated. It's about giving yourself the gift of self-care, eliminating tasks that don't serve you, and streamlining your daily life.

Ready to take your time management to the next level? Reach out for a consult and I’ll tell you how I can help.


#19. Behind the Scenes of my Virtual Planning Event - 10 Lessons Learned


#17. 5 Surprising Benefits of Time Management