#10. Do I Really Have the Time for This? Here's How to Find Out

As back to school schedules start filling up, this seems like a perfect time to talk about how to decide what to say yes to. We're diving into three questions to ask yourself before committing to any activity.

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Let's explore the thought process behind choosing what activities we fill our calendars with. The following three questions are exactly what I ask myself when deciding if I want to commit to an event or activity.

Why Do I Want This?

The first question revolves around understanding the motivation (or lack thereof) for an activity. When contemplating an activity, whether for yourself or your children, ask, "Why do I want to do this?" This allows you to uncover the underlying desires and goals driving your interest in the activity. It can help ensure that your motivations are authentic and aligned with what matters most to you.

I recently went through this process with my daughters regarding field hockey—a sport that I loved to play when I was growing up. When I was considering whether or not to sign them up, I considered my why. In doing so, I became aware that there were several reasons I wanted them to try field hockey: to provide an outlet for their energy, make new friends, and embrace new challenges. There were also reasons why I didn’t want to sign them up—mainly, the time commitment (practice/games three days a week). Acknowledging both my reasons for and against the activity provided clarity and allowed me to make a more informed decision.

Why Do My Kids Want This?

When it comes to choosing activities for our children, understanding their own motivations for wanting to participate is equally important (depending on their age, of course). Kids often express interest in multiple pursuits without comprehending the time and energy each demands. (Spoiler alert: adults do this too!!) Encouraging them to articulate their reasons helps instill a sense of self-assessment, teaching them the value of intentional choices.

By guiding them through this process, they begin to gain awareness of their preferences and learn to prioritize activities aligned with their interests and aspirations. They learn that time is not infinite and they begin to build their own time management skills at a very early age. This practice also helps teach them about commitment and responsibility and builds empowerment as well.

What Will This Require?

This crucial question often gets sidelined amidst the excitement of a new activity. However, considering the logistics—time, energy, and resources—needed to commit to an activity is paramount. Realistically assessing the practical implications for both yourself and your family is essential before committing.

In my case, signing up my kids for field hockey demanded substantial time commitments on my end. Balancing schedules, preparing necessary gear, and managing my other children’s needs, weighed heavily in my decision-making. When answering this question, you may find yourself underestimating the commitment. It is important to be honest with yourself about what is involved so that you don’t find yourself saying yes to something you don’t have the capacity to handle.

Making Informed Choices

Keeping our motivations in focus and understanding the practical implications alleviates the stress that often accompanies new commitments. Additionally, reminding myself of the impermanence of schedules—this too shall pass—empowers me to navigate any temporary demands with a more positive outlook.

In the midst of back-to-school chaos, these questions serve as compass points, guiding us towards mindful choices that align with our values and priorities. It's empowering to recognize that we are in control of our schedule and these questions allow us to exercise that control in a reasonable way.

Join the Conversation

What questions do you ask yourself when adding new activities to your schedule? How do you navigate the fall schedule with intentionality? Share your insights and experiences with us! Join our Facebook group, the SLP Support Group, to continue this conversation. I'd love to hear about your strategies for making mindful choices this fall.

Remember, in the midst of the whirlwind of activities, you're in control of what fills your calendar. Be thoughtful with what you say yes to and consider the questions above to ensure that you’re spending your time with intention.

Ready to tackle your time management challenges once and for all? Book a free consult today and let’s get started!


#11. 3 Time Management Tips for Speech Pathologists


#9. 7 Tips for a Smooth Back-to-School Transition